2022 Changes

New year, new offerings!

Exciting new weekly service starting Thursday 10th Feb, please email or text me ASAP before Mon 7th Feb to secure your weekly spot!  Alternatively just order a box for delivery every 7 days - the weekly boxes are only available on Thursdays.

We're changing our box offerings.  We're doing this for a few reasons:

  • We want to offer boxes that suit your needs
  • Some of you enjoy an "I'll take whatever is in the box" approach, others have specific requests that change on a regular basis
  • You can now sign up to a weekly box (first delivery day available is 10th Feb)
  • Quite honestly it's taking a long time to pack boxes with long lists of swaps

We now offer two box types:

  1. Boxes with up to 2 swaps
  2. Boxes with up to 5 swaps

A swap is when you have a preference like "no tomatoes and extra cucumber".


 2022 Prices

 Small Box

Medium Box

Large Box

Up to 2 swaps

$37 $50 $77

Up to 5 swaps

$42 $55 $80
Fruit Only or Veg Only $42 $55 $80


What you need to do

1. If you don't require any swaps with your order (or up to 2 swaps max) you don't need to do anything.  You will be automatically charged the new price of $2 more for 2022.

2. If you have swaps (a maximum of 5) you can either login at https://becsfruitandveg.com/account/login?checkout_url=/tools/recurring/login to update your subscription choice or send us the update (including swaps) via email or SMS.

This includes those who prefer 3/4 veg 1/4 fruit.

3. If you aren't sure, contact me via email or SMS and I can do it for you.


Why our prices are going up

You won't be surprised to hear that our team is facing many challenges with ensuring we bring you good quality vegetables at a good price, while we navigate cost increases from shortages and rising fuel prices.  The shortages have been affecting prices for a while now, in part due to the rains, but also due to labour shortages (no overseas staff as well as staff shortages due to covid more recently).

I've been fighting to keep our prices as low as possible and I've always been proud of the savings we offer when we compare the price of our boxes with the likes of Woolworths.  We posted in November that our Medium box was still $12 cheaper than Woolworths and the large box was $30 cheaper!  This is buying it in store so it's not even including delivery!


How our prices compare with other delivery companies

We know that you appreciate our value for money (you told us that in the survey earlier this month!); we promise we are working hard to ensure we keep that a top priority. Here’s how we care with other fruit and veg deliver-ers.
Price Comparisons Couples Box(Inc Delivery) Medium Box(Inc Delivery) Large Box(Inc Delivery) Delivery Charge
Harris farm  N/A $85 $100 $15
Delish deliveries $45 $65 N/A $8
Hills Farms $50 $65 $85 $10
Bec's Fruit & Veg (2022) $37 $50 $77 FREE or $5 over 5km